Monday, May 14, 2007

Who Am I? - Mike Lichty

Mike Lichty.
You know Mikey, he of supermod fame, car #84.
How did he get in the #23 Johnny Benson truck?
Well, he and JB are friends.
JB drove his supermod last year at Berlin in a team car #74
This must have been one of those "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" deals.
Regardless, of what the PR spin is, this was no "miscommunication"
This was not an "oversight" on an unlicensed driver
This was no "boat accident"
I bet Lichty doesn't even have a Busch East license
This is the worst example I have seen of someone using "poor judgement" in a long time.
To get ejected from a test is bad.
How does the car owner, Bill Davis feel?
Bill's not happy.
Nascar wasn't impressed either.
Penalties shall be forthcoming.
So how was Mike in practice?
He was in #23B, ran a total of 4 laps before he dumped it.
His times are here, 46th fastest, JB was 22nd fastest in the #23A
and the picture of the truck
Next time your in Charlotte make sure you sign up for the "JB I'll Drive Yours, You Drive Mine, But Don't Tell The Boss Driving Experience"


Raven Rae said...

This is just such a redundant blog... It was years ago and i think it's about time it get's taken down.

Tommy said...

Not to mention Mike drives in a racing series with cars that are much faster and at least as difficult to drive.

900+ horsepower bolted onto only 1800 pounds. Don't tell me he's not qualified to drive somewhere else.