Monday, July 2, 2007

The Wreckers..............

When I hear of "The Wreckers", I don't think of the country band.
I think of John Wood (top photo) and Steve Wallace (bottom Photo)
AKA "weapons"
I have some sound advice, find another career.
Let's talk Wood.
Jon is still on the sidelines after an "adverse reaction" to ADD medication causing severe headaches.
How does that explain the wrecks BEFORE the medication?
Uh, ok.
And wrecking got's nothing to do with???
Here's Steven.
Steve, who drew the wrath of Michigan driver Freddy "Soupy" Campbell a couple of years ago at Berlin, when............................
You guessed it!!!
He wrecked him.
He and his famous dad, Rusty are squabbling, in the media.
That's classy.
He took someone else out Saturday at Loudon.
The issue is their both young.
Driving way over their heads.
A ton of money behind them.
And zero talent.

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