Friday, June 22, 2007

Rescue Me - The best show on TV

Don't call at 10pm on Wednesday night.
I'm busy.
Rescue Me, starring Denis Leary airs on FX at 10pm on Wednesday.
It's one of the few shows that has me laughing out loud.
The writing is phenomenal, and you have to catch the replays, to see the one-liners you missed.
Yes, it pushes the envelope.
Granted, it's not for everyone.
But being a Denis Leary fan, I applaud the writing and twists and turns the plot lines take.
Some memorable quotes:

Franco Rivera: He's retarded.
Kenny Lou: Like Rainman retarded or Paris Hilton retarded?

Uncle Teddy: [in Tommy's house, the kitchen is an absolute mess] Hey, Tommy! Check it out! I made chili tonight!
Tommy Gavin: Yeah, no shit. What did ya do, mix it with a goddamn shotgun?

Chief Jerry Reilly: [watching Sean Garrity and Probie playing Scrabble] Look at this - a meeting of the minds and the minds are a no-show.

Uncle Teddy: [after a suicide attempt] Is this heaven?
Tommy Gavin: No, it's my *garage*!

Kenny Lou: "Mint Pussy". Probably one of *the* worst Ben & Jerry's flavors ever.

Tommy Gavin: Let me tell you something, sister, you serve two purposes in this house - you can give me a blow job or make me a sandwich. I'm not in the mood for head and I had a late breakfast, so you're shit out of luck.

Richard: She's got the sweetest ass!
Franco: How do you know if she's in a wheelchair?
Richard: They stand her up sometimes.

Sean: Why is he pulling out a peppermill?
Maggie That's not a peppermill!

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